There are new crafting recipes across your Home and Winter Wonderland farms, with these limited edition recipes all being themed around Snowflakes. Whether you craft these recipes or just collect shared samples from friends, when you "use" them - redeem them for fuel - you'll receive a free Magic Snowflake.
On your Home Farm, your particular kind of crafting building will determine which craft you'll actually make. For instance, you'll craft Snowflake Soap in the Spa, with each batch of soap requiring two Holly, three Aloe Vera and two Lilac bushels to create. In the Bakery (as another example), you'll create Snowflake Cookies, with each tray of cookies requiring three Gingerbread, two Sugar Cane and two Wheat bushels to craft.
Meanwhile, in Winter Wonderland, you'll craft the Sugar Snowflake inside your Sweet Shoppe. This one takes two Red Iceberry, one Gummi Bear and two Sugar Cane bushels to craft. As with other limited edition recipes, you'll apparently only need to reach Level 20 in mastery in order to receive the full five-star mastery sign that can be displayed on your farm. Oddly enough, there aren't any recipes in the Restaurant in Lighthouse Cove or the Pub in the English Countryside, so feel free to use those farms to grow crops that will give off the bushels you need elsewhere.
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