Thursday, January 26, 2012

FarmVille Pic of the Day: Magical floating terrace by Anthonyyeun (More Details Here) Share if you like

FarmVille floating farms is Joelr's farm-sized flying fortress, but player Anthonyyuen has used those tricks on a smaller scale, bringing you the floating terraces shown above.

Like Joelr, Anthonyyuen used black hay bales as shadows to make the terraces stand out. But Anthonyyuen's design required a bit more ingenuity. Instead of leaving the rectangular shadows underneath each terrace, he also linked them with hay bale staircases and shaded those too. This makes for a more interesting silhouette overall.

We've seen tons of watery farms. We've seen farms go underground. We've seen them fly. And we've seen lots of amazing hay bale art. But as far as FarmVille designs go, floating farms is the easiest, yet most undeveloped and unused trick among players. It's a shame, because it's definitely one of the coolest-looking ones.



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