FarmVille update comes as a bit of a surprise. As last night's update already included items in the Parisian theme, it wasn't expected that another set (a larger set) of items would be released so soon, but we're not complaining. If you're keeping track, there are new items in the trees, animals, buildings and decorations categories, though some are re-releases from previous events. Here's a rundown so you can get straight to shopping.
Fleur De Les Tree - 5 Farm Cash
Giant Fleur De Les Tree - 10 Farm Cash
French Mini Horse - 26 Farm Cash
Parisian Cafe - 25 Farm Cash
Eiffel Tower - 150 Farm Cash
The Eiffel Tower has been seen - for free - in the past. If you don't have one, now is not the time to purchase one. If you can stand it, I'd suggest waiting until we see this again as a free item collection prize (perhaps around Valentine's Day).
Parisian Garden - 10 Farm Cash
Provencal Fence - 700 coins per piece
Bike with Basket - 2,000 coins
Provencal Pot - 2,200 coins
Romantic Fountain - 12 Farm Cash
Paris Patio - 7 Farm Cash
Keep a special eye on these items, farmers. Like the Eiffel Tower above, some of these items are re-releases, as the Provencal Pot, Bike with Basket and Provencal Fence items have been around this way before. Make sure to check your storage for these items if you've forgotten whether or not you purchased them. Sure, they're all cheap, but there's no reason to duplicate if you can help it.
Interestingly, these items will be available for the next 16-17 days, which is up from the normal solid two week time limit. This is presumably due to their skewed release date, as users may have not been expected another update until Sunday. Still, make sure you take advantage of this time while you have it. You wouldn't want to forget these items are available only to come back too late.
source: blog.games.com
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