Thursday, August 11, 2011

FarmVille White-Tailed Buck available as new lonely animal

FarmVille as a lonely animal, offering users a chance to claim one of their own by asking some friends for help in luring the animal into their farms. The same process has started all over again this week, as the White Mustang has been swapped out for the White-Tailed Buck. Even if you already completed the "luring" process for the White Mustang, this White-Tailed Buck will still be available to you (that is, you don't have to choose just a single animal to lure over time). The process for luring the Buck is also the same, but here's a recap.

The White-Tailed Buck can be found standing on the outskirts of your farm, where billboards normally stand during cross-promotional events. You'll need to ask five friends to help you, but you only have a period of three days to earn the help you'll need. If you don't feel like asking neighbors for help, or if you don't end up receiving all of the help you need in time, you can also purchase the Buck outright for Farm Cash.

Remember, as the White-Tailed Buck was previously available in the game, if you already have one (or more), you don't have to feel obligated to help this new one, unless you really want another. If not, feel free to skip the feature until an animal comes along the works better for you. We'll make sure to let you know when another animal wanders onto the farm.


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