Monday, August 22, 2011

FarmVille Raffle Tooth (08/21/11): Gypsy Stallion and Giant Pot Fountain up for grabs

FarmVille Raffle Booth, with two new items (out of five) being particularly interesting in this week's selection of prizes. Once you go through the process of turning in your Raffle Tickets from last week (and hopefully winning tons of prizes), you'll be able to view this week's available goodies. The odds may not exactly be in your favor for winning each and every one of these items, or even just the top prize, but remember - Raffle Tickets can be earned for free, so there's no harm in collecting a few!

Here's the lineup of prizes, along with your odds of winning them this week:
10 Special Delivery Boxes: 1:5
3 Arborists: 1:20
5 Love Potions: 1:100
Giant Pot Fountain: 1:500
Gypsy Stallion: 1:2000
Remember, once this week is over, these prizes will be raffled off, so you'll need to collect as many Raffle Tickets between now and then as possible. Good luck - I hope we both walk away with a few prizes of our own!


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