Saturday, March 31, 2012

FarmVille Hawaiian Paradise Chapter 4 Goals: Everything you need to know.(More Details Here)

FarmVille's Hawaiian Paradise saga is wrapping up, why don't we go ahead and skip ahead to Chapter 4, which will likely launch early in next week? According to the folks at FVNation, Chapter 4 in the storyline will have 12 goals to complete, with many dealing with crafting recipes and crops, as you might expect. While it's entirely possible that some of these goals and their prizes will change before they're officially launched in the game, here's a quick preview of what will most likely come next week.Rewards: 500 XP, Cruise Ship, 10,000 Coconuts

Most likely, these goals will come with a two week time limit, but since the crop requirements are likely to remain constant between now and then, make sure to start planning ahead and figuring out when you'll craft specific items or plant certain crops so that you'll have the best chance of finishing all 12 of these goals in time! Good luck!


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