Friday, April 8, 2011

FarmVille Freak Guillaume's Farm of the Week (Click to Enlarge) ====>>> ((share))

FarmVille Freak Guillaume’s farm! We love the neatly organization of all the trees and many animals. But what we love most is a few interesting tidbits about this farm that make it unique and fun such as the plot of land for each crop and other collections. Read below for more details.
“Hello FarmVille Freak,
I’m a French FarmVille Freak and I would like to submit you my farm.
It’s a little bit a “Where is Waldo” farm!
In my farm, there are :
  • All the seeds fertilized and mastered since july 2010.
  • 9 of each tree until march 2011, mastered too!
  • All the FC trees (one of each) until march 2011
  • A beautiful collection of animals. (Non-Farm Cash animals)
  • Others collections: Fountains, benches, etc. (Not enough place for topiaries)


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