- Nutcracker Tree - 8 Farm Cash
- Giant Nutcracker Tree - 14 Farm Cash
- Holiday Candle Tree - 6 Farm Cash
- Giant Holiday Candle Tree - 12 Farm Cash
Sticking with tradition here, there's no need to purchase the Giant version of either of these trees, as you're almost guaranteed to receive both of them from Mystery Seedlings at some point in the future (that is, if you routinely collect these seedlings from neighbors and then actually grow them).
- Toy Soldier Donkey - 14 Farm Cash
- Sugar Plum Fairy Horse - 26 Farm Cash
- Big Toy Soldier Donkey - 14 Farm Cash
- Poinsettia Boar - 16 Farm Cash
- White Arabian Horse - 3.5 million coins
- Sugar Plum Fairy Duck - 18 Farm Cash
- Flower Dancer Hippo - 14 Farm Cash
- New Forest Pony - 26 Farm Cash
- Black Gypsy horse - 26 Farm Cash
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