Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FarmVille Pic of the Day: Escape the Dragon's Head by DedHöt (More Details Here) Share if you like

FarmVille masterpiece, DedHöt Chilipapper's "Dragon Head".

Made solely out of red, yellow, and orange hay bales, this humongous head also sports whites for highlights and blacks for outlines and shadowing. Since the dragon is on a flat surface, even its massive size doesn't lend it much dimension. What adds to the intensity of this artwork is the inclusion of Duke's Airship from the English Countryside event. DedHöt's choice to place the airship in the dragon's jaws makes the art come alive. It also summons up images of danger, action and adventure, which is great, because so far, the only dragons that have come to FarmVille are the cuddly kind.

Would you like FarmVille to come out with some badass dragons? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment

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