Thursday, October 6, 2011

FarmVille : Farmer Jack B's surreal farm creation

FarmVille artist Farmer Jack B set out to create when he began designing this, but it certainly came out very nice.

Most striking of course is the bizarre optical illusions. Usually farmers use that kind of 3D effect to build walls, hills, mountains, or something concrete. In this case, Farmer Jack B has created some kind of strange wall, with animals, trees, and other structures build in to them. You have to admit, it's pretty cool. Also worth noting is the really nice water effect created using hay bales.

Pro Tip: If you're struggling to create a stream of water as nice as Farmer Jack B's, notice how he lines his river with trees. That way, the edge of the hay bales is obscured and gives the river a clean, natural look.

Of course, I would be in no position to review farm art if I didn't bring up the very impressive collection of crop and animal mastery signs lining the south end of the farm. Well done Farmer Jack B, you've created a bizarre abstract farm that definitely earns a spot amongst our top FarmVille designs.


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