Saturday, September 10, 2011

FarmVille Upgrade window asks for permission to publish app activity to the ticker [UPDATE]

Many FarmVille players, myself included, were recently met with a new FarmVille Upgrade window upon entering their farms. We were asked to give Zynga (via the FarmVille app) our permission to publish games and app activity... but to where? According to the in-game pop-up, this all points to the new Facebook Games Ticker (which, as we reported earlier, can be considered a way for your friends to stalk you while online).

This ticker will show your friends when you've logged into a specific app, such as FarmVille, or can simply be used as a way to prove that you're online (and are capable of accepting their requests or messages) without you needing to be signed into Facebook Chat. Either way, the details about this FarmVille Upgrade were incredibly shaky when it comes to privacy, as are most other things when it comes to Facebook.

As usual, the general rule of thumb is to never store or publish information on Facebook that you wouldn't be comfortable with the entire world seeing, regardless of how locked down your profile may be to "strangers." For these specific options, though, you can see exactly what Zynga is asking for below. It all looks pretty straightforward, and looks like permissions we've given the developer before.

Since things are so cryptic, this also could be a precursor to the upcoming ability to add FarmVille neighbors that aren't your Facebook friends. Either way, your gameplay experience shouldn't change when allowing these "upgrades" to occur, so if you're confident about what you're sharing online, feel free to do just that.

UPDATE: Zynga has commented officially on the pop-up, since it caused confusion. Here's their statement:

Hey Farmers! You may have seen our latest message 'FarmVille Upgrade', and we'd like to assure you it is not spam, nor will clicking "OK" affect what is posted on your Newsfeed. We're simply only collecting permissions to better enhance your game play, by allowing you to view your game achievements and other special events using some of Facebook's new channels. We will be slowly rolling out these features over the next several weeks, so please stay tuned for new enhancements!

What do you think these FarmVille Upgrades really stand for? Did you receive the pop-up on your farm? Did you allow or refuse Zynga's latest request for your information? Sound off in the comments.


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