Sunday, September 11, 2011

FarmVille Raffle Booth (09/11/11): Orchard and Unwithers top the prize list

FarmVille Raffle Booth, we actually see the prize list switched a bit. While some of the most basic prizes remain (Special Delivery Boxes, for one), the top two prizes are fairly useful for FarmVille that enjoy function over style. Here's a full list of this week's available prizes, along with your odds of winning them:

10 Special Delivery Boxes - 1:5
3 Fertilize Alls - 1:20
5 Love Potions - 1:100
3 Unwithers - 1:500
1 Fully Built Orchard - 1:2000

Just to clarify, this Orchard is fully built, making it a 30 Farm Cash value, if you were to purchase this pre-constructed Orchard from the store, rather than building it yourself. Honestly, I've never had the luck of winning anything better than the "worst" two prizes in these Raffles, but hopefully you'll have better luck with walking away with these Unwithers, the Orchard, or both!

As usual, you can earn more Raffle Tickets either by purchasing them for Farm Cash, or by asking your friends to send them to you. You'll also receive a single Raffle Ticket for free to give you at least one chance at winning. Remember, this week's Raffle drawing goes on for just that long - a week. This time next Sunday, a new set of items will be launched in the Raffle, and you'll get to see if you'll walk away empty handed. Good luck!


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