Thursday, April 7, 2011

FarmVille Freak Linda Spotted this Love Potion Scam <<<<<<<<<<<<< share >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Those familiar with sheep breeding will know that you require Love Potions in order to be able to breed rams and ewes.
There is currently a scam that seems to be going around Facebook about these Love Potions, and it is affecting accounts fast!
This scam will post a feed on your Facebook profile asking for Love Potions like always, but once you click on it, a pop-up will show up on your screen to publish that you need Love Potions too, and it will not disappear unless you click “Publish”.
Please note that this is a scam! This is not a post by the official FarmVille Zynga game!
A quick and easy way to identify this post as a scam is by spotting the app’s name – which in this case is “Love Potion”! As always, FarmVille Freak wants to make sure you are wary and cautious of such scams floating about!
If you spot any unusual posts by your neighbors or on your own profile, be sure to report them and/or mark them as spam! Also, make sure to share this post with your wonderful neighbors so that their accounts and farms are not affected by it!


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