Wednesday, May 9, 2012

FarmVille Beach Resort: Everything you need to know! Share if you like

FarmVille. Whether or not those decorations actually have an overall function, or are otherwise worth their purchase price remains to be seen. One set item has been released this week: the Beach Resort, an item that can be upgraded through multiple levels of construction, which will give you Coconuts every day.
When you place the base of the Beach Resort on your farm (watch out - the base is quite large), you'll need to start its first level of construction by asking your friends for some building materials:

8 Tropical Cups
10 Beach Sandals
10 Swimsuits
You can earn these items by asking your friends to send them to you or by purchasing them with Farm Cash. From there, you can upgrade the Beach Resort through five more levels, all of the way up to Level 6. Of course, each stage requires more and more building materials, so I hope you have plenty of friends on hand to help you out.

Other than its cool appearance, you actually have a larger reason for building this Beach Resort on your farm, as you can harvest from it once per day to earn free Coconuts for use in the Hawaiian Paradise marketplace. Since Coconuts are still harder to come by than coins (in the big scheme of things), I know I'll personally take any new method for earning them that I can, won't you?


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