Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FarmVille Pic of the Day: Hit the slopes at Javelin72's Ski Village farm(More Details Here) Share if you like

FarmVille ski resort has clearly gone to the animals, where four legs are better than two, and the bunny slope can literally be full of bunnies if Javelin72 feels so inclined (pun intended). Right now, the slope is being used by moose and deer, or just anything with prongs and four skinny legs, with the exception of the polar bear. The slope itself was crafted by the curved positioning of various, snow-capped trees on the left, and several of last summer's Swiss Alps (which cost 42 Farm Cash each) on the right. I'm counting ten Swiss Alps here, adding up to 420 Farm Cash, which equals roughly more than $50.00 USD.On the pinnacle of the snowy peaks lies Count Duckula's Castle, which is impressive, but won't cost you anything but hard work. What's the true kicker is the inclusion of not one, but three winter Lodges. The Lodge first appeared in 2009, and is currently the largest, but third most expensive building in the game -- one costs 800K Coins. And this isn't counting all the other special buildings Javelin72 has scattered about. It'd be neither simple nor cheap to try to recreate this ski farm. For more a detailed view, check out the creator's forum thread.

( source:blog.games.com )


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