Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FarmVille:Lighthouse Cove loading screen gives us more to speculate about


FarmVille - that being Lighthouse Cove - new details are releasing all of the time. First, we were given just a sample image of what looks to be a dolphin-filled cove, and now we have a full loading screen that shows off a bit more, including the third farm's logo.

For one, we're given an overall theme for this new farm: Fall. That's fitting, as the farm will likely officially launch sometime this fall, and it looks like we'll see a set of appropriately colored trees released to go along with that (along with what looks to be some Autumn Ginkgo trees, which is also fitting). We also see some crop squares in this loading screen, though they are muted in the bottom-left corner of the screen. As an educated guess, I'd say those are American Cranberries, which is one of the crops we expect to launch in this new farm.

As for the rest of the screen, we see a dock, boat and mermaid, with the boat likely being our ride in and out of Lighthouse Cove. As for the mermaid, perhaps she'll be a part of a goal series, or will perhaps let us communicate with the dolphin and whale that appear in the water. Of course, we're completely speculating on that front, but it's a fun idea to keep in mind either way. Along with all of this, we see some new animals, and what looks to be a new garage (perhaps a boat garage?), making this an incredibly in-depth farm, if all of these items are interactive, and not just for show.

Regardless of how much of our speculation ends up being true, we'll make sure to keep you up to date with all of the details concerning Lighthouse Cove, including when you can expect it to release. Keep checking back with us for more!


realthinker said...

Why do you offer items for Lighthouse Cove and the app is not ready? If we purchase where do they go? Thank You!

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